Data is the Secret Weapon of Lead Generation Excellence

Team Building Podcast

Leads are the lifeblood of every business, and while there are infinite ways to generate deals, our focus as leaders needs to be on the highest income and greatest ROI producing lead sources.

When we first get into the business, we assume all leads are created equal for all teams, but there is no one size fits all lead source or strategy.

The right lead generation strategy for us isn’t informed by what other teams are doing, it’s determined by the numbers, and what’s actually working for us.

When we apply analytics to our lead sources, we gain clarity on where we need to invest our time, effort and money. We eliminate guesswork as a key pillar of the business.

How do we determine the lead generation structure on our teams, and how can we make sure our agents don’t outgrow it? Why is a strong CRM so important to our lead generation success?

In this episode, we talk about an important but often overlooked aspect of lead generation, and why data makes us more profitable.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

  • Why the CRM is a key part of our results When we invest in a strong CRM and a strong website, we empower ourselves with the data to make better decisions for the business. A strong CRM does the hard work of collecting the data, and giving us the most accurate insights on the lead sources that are driving our results and profits.
  • How to help agents who can’t generate leads themselves Until agents can generate leads on their own, they should be working the leads we provide to them. It’s a lot better for them to earn with a split than to earn nothing from self-generated leads that aren’t producing deals.
  • How to use data to craft our lead generation strategy Use your CRM and website analytics to start tracking your numbers at a granular level. With that data, you should be able track where 70% of your net income came from over the last 12 months, and what is driving your results. Put 70% of your spend into that source of business.

And to find out more about our upcoming event, visit:

To Download two free PDF’s: Jeff’s Business Plan and his Lead Generation Guide, Click Here.

And if you’d like to keep up-to-date with Jeff, follow @jeffmcohn on Instagram.

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