How to Equip our Agents for Industry Domination w/ Mike Swenson

Team Building Podcast

As the leaders of ever-expanding teams, our agents look to us for guidance, so it’s our responsibility to do everything we can to help them succeed.

What are the tools our agents need for industry domination, and how can we become their go-to resource, every step of the way?

More importantly, how can we pour into them so much that they no longer need our help, but can pay it forward with the next generation of agents?

In this episode, CEO and founder of Elite Advantage Team, Mike Swenson shares how his organization is empowering their agents.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

  • How to position our agents as local experts 
    Arm agents with everything there is to know about the markets they serve, then help them set up a Youtube channel to share that information. Giving them the tools to share industry knowledge gives them the credibility they need to dominate the market.
  • How to create the best environment for our agents to flourish 
    No agent can crush their market when they’re trapped under piles of minutiae and admin, so take that off their plates. Leverage as much of their behind-the-scenes work as possible, so they can focus on making deals happen.
  • What leaders can do to keep their teams in the zone 
    Make sure everyone is in the right state of mind to tackle their markets head-on by providing regular training. Start each day with script practice, offer consistent coaching and become a resource to agents.

Guest Bio-

Mike Swenson is the CEO and founder of Elite Advantage Team. Despite studying entrepreneurship in college, Mike only started his own team in 2020 – on the day the world shut down, but despite the challenges, Mike and his team have seen phenomenal results. Through his coaching company, Real Estate Leveraged Freedom, Mike is passionate about empowering real estate professionals financially. Mike is the host of the REL Freedom Podcast.

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Books mentioned in this episode:

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To Download two free PDF’s: Jeff’s Business Plan and his Lead Generation Guide, Click Here.And if you’d like to keep up-to-date with Jeff, follow @jeffmcohn on Instagram.

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