Integrating Today’s Technology into your Team w/ Scott Sillari

Team Building Podcast

With so many tech terms being thrown around, a lot of team leaders are understandably confused. As real estate professionals, why do we need to know about API’s, bridges and integrations? The reality is, technology will become increasingly more important in the years to come – so it’s in our best interests to find ways to understand it and use it to our advantage.

For businesses to make it in the future, we have to start embracing integration. What does that mean – and how can we use it in our operations?

In this episode, Head of Sales and Marketing at Real Synch, Scott Sillari ​joins me to talk technology in the real estate space. 

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Takeaways + Tactics

  • Invest wisely 
    Anyone looking to invest in the tech space needs to make sure they’re being offered true integration. Team leaders need to know they’ll have the capacity to connect with unique tools as they’re developed.
  • Prioritize plugins 
    We already spend so much time in front of our computers – we shouldn’t be adding to that. Plugins allow us to get more things done in one place. So, for example, instead of opening our CRMs and emails separately, having the right plugin can let us do both at once.
  • Get an integration partner
    We can’t do everything on our own – if we try, we’re likely to fall behind. We have to focus on what we’re good at, and outsource everything else. To run successful businesses, we have to have integration partners. 

Guest Bio 

Scott Sillari is the Head of Sales and Marketing at Real Synch, a company dedicated to helping business owners keep lead generation systems in sync with their CRMs. Prior to joining Real Synch, Scott served as the Director of Business Development at Vyral Marketing.

To find out more about Scott and Real Synch, head to:

You can also email him at

And to take advantage of the promotion mentioned on this episode, use the code ‘elite’ when checking out products from

Books and links mentioned on this episode:

The ONE Thing by Gary Keller- 

To Download two free PDF’s: Jeff’s Business Plan and his Lead Generation Guide, Click Here.And if you’d like to keep up-to-date with Jeff, follow @jeffmcohn on Instagram.

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