Why Real Estate Investing Is Simpler Than You Think w/ Rob Syfert

Team Building Podcast

Investing in real estate is one of the best ways to build wealth, so entering the space should be a no-brainer. However, many agents are still shying away from investing because they just don’t know where to start.

There are so many systems and tools on the market that promise to help us succeed as investors, and as a result many of us end up feeling overwhelmed before we’ve even bought a single property. However, investing is simpler than we’ve been led to believe.

How can we find willing sellers when we’re first starting out as investors? Is it possible to make a name for ourselves without buying into all the fancy add-ons on offer?

In this clip, co-founder and visionary at RealEstateInvestor.com, Rob Syfert shares the simple way to start investing

Takeaways + Tactics

  • How to take the leap into real estate investing 
    As agents, we’re all aware of the benefits of owning real estate, but many of us are too scared to take the first step. Nerves are normal, but if we want to get started we have to push past our fears and just do it.
  • Why we need to change the way we think about investing leads 
    Just the thought of looking for investing leads on top of traditional leads is exhausting, but it’s also completely unnecessary. Every lead in real estate is the same, and many investment opportunities actually come from traditional leads.
  • Why no one should feel pressured to buy leads 
    Buying leads is a great way to boost business and level up, but it’s not a prerequisite for success when we’re just starting out. Don’t hold back from the investment space because of a smaller budget, just zone in on existing leads.

Guest Bio-

Rob Syfert is the co-founder and visionary at RealEstateInvestor.com, founder of USA Portfolio Real Estate and host of the REI Huddle podcast. An innovator in the industry, Robert creates software, tools and services that allow real estate investors to get bigger results in less time.

With over 10 years in the space, he has sold and managed hundreds of investment properties, and built 3 successful startups from the ground up. Robert is a firm believer that investors can achieve astronomical success without sacrificing their free time – all they need is the right tools to get there.

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And if you’d like to keep up-to-date with Jeff, follow @jeffmcohn on Instagram.

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