Even the Best Make Mistakes: How to Handle Missteps with Humility & Honesty with Brady Johns

Team Building Podcast

Whether you’re new to real estate or you’ve been in the game for a long time, making mistakes is inevitable. Even the best agents can still sometimes get it wrong.

These mistakes provide a ton of helpful feedback, and if we’re honest and humble, they are powerful opportunities for growth.

How can we learn from the mistakes we make, and how do they facilitate growth?

In this episode, real estate investor Brady Johns joins me to discuss consistency in our businesses, and why owning our mistakes makes our businesses stronger.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

  • Why our purpose changes over time
    Our ‘why’ changes over time as we accomplish our goals. How do we figure out what our new goals are?
  • How to own up to your mistakes
    Acknowledging that you’re wrong is the fastest way to recreate what you were trying to do. How can we learn from the mistakes that we admit to making?
  • Why humility makes us better leaders
    Can we grow without getting really honest about our missteps and mistakes?

Guest Bio

Brady Johns is a real estate investor who owns more than 30 residential and commercial properties and a global tech executive whose resume includes tenure with three of the world’s most storied companies: Google, Sun Microsystems, and Dell.

Brady has traveled to more than 70 countries, climbed four of the world’s highest mountains, hiked volcanoes, swam with whale sharks, and run countless marathons. He has many more destinations on his wish list, but most days you’ll find him researching real estate, stocks, and cryptocurrencies while grabbing breakfast tacos in his hometown of Austin, Texas.

Find Brady on Instagram @bradyjohns

Find Flip-Flops and Fortunes: Buy Your Life Back Through Real Estate Investing and Passive Income Strategies on Amazon.

To Download two free PDF’s: Jeff’s Business Plan and his Lead Generation Guide, Click Here.

And if you’d like to keep up-to-date with Jeff, follow @jeffmcohn on Instagram.

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